Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pulled Apart

If you find yourself in the dilemma of being strongly pulled in diverse directions by people and ideas, you can always cut the strings.

Although these people and ideas may mean a lot to you, the attraction and attachment to them could even do worse than pull you apart. They could hold you in a state of paralysis. You can always cut the strings.

But these things that seem opposite or mutually exclusive will be gone. And you will be alone. But no longer waiting to see which of these forces will win you.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

broken glasses

“What is the nature of beloved objects that are wrapped so tightly with our emotions they can’t be separated in our brains until death?” - Jim Harrison "Off to the Side"

I've been seeing through these for years without ever seeing them. Tonight they broke for the last time. I am having a last look at them tonight without their help. I hope they are in focus. I can't tell.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

But I'll tell you something I've heard

and let you dwell on its strangeness:

sages have said that the secret

of being owes all

to the all who has all in his hand:

He longs to give form to the formless,

As a lover longs for his friend...

- Ibn Gabirol

11th century Andalusian poet